As far as Canada Fishing Lodges go you won’t find a place further removed from the rest of the world, or as comfortable. For over 25 years we have strived to ensure our lodge is not only a world class fishing destination, but also world class in comfort. Come join us for a relaxing getaway that you and your family will never forget!
Canada Fishing Lodges are not all the same. Grizzly Creek Lodge is a unique Yukon fishing lodge that focuses on quality not quantity. By design we only have a handful of guests during any one week. This way we can provide you with the best Fishing or Trapline Adventure you can imagine. The ratio of fishermen to guides is 2 to 1, meaning that you will always have the expertise and attention you expect from a Premier Canada Fishing Adventure.
Fly-in-fishing at its finest! Whether you choose to spend the day trolling or casting for big lake trout, fly casting for arctic grayling on the Smith River or fishing for huge northern pike at one of our hike in lakes, every day is an adventure!
Have you ever hooked into a 30lb Lake Trout with a fly rod? If you’ve been to Grizzly Creek Lodge you have! Our speciality is catching Trophy Canadian Lake Trout & Giant Northern Pike on flies. These aggressive fish are sure to wear you out. They are hard fighting fish and continue to spool your reel on a regular basis.
We have 2 lakes and numerous streams and tributaries feeding into them. Fish are abundant in both waters and give our guests a nice change of pace from day to day.
Each morning we meet with you to discuss what you would like to fish for and how you would like to fish for them. Of course, we will make recommendations but in the end it is all up to you and what experiences you would like that day. Some days you might want to fish from dawn to dusk, other days you might want to take a slower pace and have a lengthy shore lunch and soak up the scenery.
Don’t Forget the Camera
You will be staying and fishing in one of the Best Canada Fishing Lodges in the Yukon. Beautiful lakes & streams, tree covered mountains, and abundent wildlife will make your adventure one you will remember for the rest of your life.
While our lake trout fishery is well known, few realize that the Yukon Territory is home to world class northern pike fishing. Here at Grizzly Creek Lodge, northern pike over 40-inches in length are caught on a regular basis. Our camp record is a whopping 50-incher! Two years ago a couple from Chicago caught and released 60 northern pike in two hours of fishing; only three were under 30 inches.
With over 20 years of experience we are confident in our ability to provide an excellent fishing adventure. 70% of our clients are repeat customers illustrates our commitment to providing our clients with an outstanding experience. However, we understand the uncertainty new clients feel when they consider booking a trip to the remote wilderness. We offer all first time customers the Grizzly Creek Lodge Money Back Guarantee. While staying at the lodge if you are not satisfied with your trip simply tell one of the owners, Reggie or David O’Farrell. If we cannot improve your trip to your satisfaction, we will refund the value of the trip excluding the CAD$1,000 cost of the charter. Guaranteed!
Designed for the serious fly-fisher. We only offer two of these trips each year, and only have room for two fly fishers per trip. Our fly fishing trips are one-on-one, meaning each fisherman will have their own guide.