Sportfishing in Alaska, USA

Province/state: Alaska
Country: United States of America

About ALASKA Sportfishing

Alaska offers some of the most spectacular freshwater, saltwater, and fly-fishing in the world. There are more than 627 fish species that inhabit the Alaskan waters, including all five species of Pacific salmon, many types of trout, halibut, arctic char, northern pike, arctic grayling and Dolly Varden. With nearly 55,000 km (34,000 miles) of ocean shoreline, over three million lakes, 12,000 rivers and thousands more fish-filled streams, the challenge isn’t catching fish, but deciding where and what to catch.

Fishing accounts for roughly $652 million in annual spending by visitors, including purchases of licenses, guides and equipment. So it’s no wonder that every region of Alaska offers accommodations that cater to the needs of the angler, ranging from rustic camping to all-inclusive luxury fishing resorts to remote, rustic river fishing camps.

What to Catch

The most popular sportfish species in British Columbia are the five pacific Salmon species—King (Chinook), Silver (Coho), Pink (Humpies), Chum (Dog) and Red (Sockeye) salmon. Each return to their natal streams and spawn at different time of the year, depending on how far they have to travel.

  • King Salmon – These are the largest of the salmon species and probably the most highly prized fish in Alaska. The Official Alaska record is a 97-pounder caught on the Kenai River in 1985 by Les Anderson. King Salmon are also the official state fish of Alaska. Their size and fight makes them highly prized by sports fishermen.
  • Silver Salmon – Silver Salmon are a favourite of anglers because they are highly aggressive and strike with tremendous force, and they fight like crazy. Where King Salmon have the edge in size and weight, the smaller silvers make up for it in their willingness to fight. Silver Salmon can be caught in both salt water or fresh water but for the most rewarding fly fishing, stick to freshwater streams and rivers. The average size is about 8-12 pounds, with some reaching over 30 pounds and over 30 inches in length.
  • Pink Salmon – Pinks spawn only every two years on even-numbered years. These are smaller salmon reaching only 25 inches in length and typically weighing between 3.5 and 5 pounds. They have a two-year lifecycle and fry migrate immediately after hatching to the ocean where they feed and grow for the next two years. They get the name “humpy” from males at spawning time that develop a hump on their back, and their jaws appear to be hooked. Although not as prized for eating as Sockeye and Silvers, they are the most populous fish on even-numbered years, and their smaller size makes them very suitable for beginners or small children.
  • Chum Salmon – Also known as Tiger Salmon or Dog Salmon because as it matures and enters freshwater its canine teeth grow longer giving it the look of a dog’s mouth. Chum Salmon are plentiful, grow between 24-28 inches in length and typically weigh between 10 and 13 pounds when mature. They have a “calico” appearance with dark olive green and red colours that appear along their sides in alternating stripes. Chum Salmon spawn in the late summer to fall.
  • Sockeye Salmon – These iconic fish are the ones you see jumping up waterfalls on television and next to Silvers are some of the hardest fighting fish that swim in Alaskan rivers. They are also considered the tastiest. Sockeye are perfect for both spinning and fly rods, and their fighting ability is legendary. Sockeyes have one of the heaviest fish runs in Alaska—in some creeks in the month of July, they will be so thick that you can practically pick them up with your hands. Most Sockeye range in length from 18 inches to about 30 inches. They typically weigh 6-10 pounds and can weigh up to 15 pounds.

Many other saltwater and freshwater fish in Alaska are also highly prized by sports fishermen. These include:

  • Halibut – The Pacific Halibut are the largest sports fish in Alaska and the largest of all flatfishes. Alaska’s halibut are called “barndoors”, and for good reason: the largest sport-caught halibut tipped the scales at 455 pounds. While fish that size are rare, you can expect to catch lots in the 20-50 pound range. You “jig” for these bottom-dwellers out on the ocean. Halibut are excellent fish, with sweet, firm meat. Expect an early departure for a full-day charter and an hour or more of boat travel before you get to a prime ocean spot. Cast away and get ready for the wrestling match of a lifetime. Halibut fishing is pure adrenaline. 
  • Rainbow Trout – One of Alaska’s most sought-after sports fish. They are voracious feeders, and even in smaller streams they can grow to monstrous sizes. With only a few short months to gain crucial weight before the harsh winter begins, these fish have to be strong, resilient and aggressive feeders, leaving them prone to attack both top water and subsurface flies. A trophy Rainbow can weigh up to 18 pounds and be 30 inches long and weigh ten pounds.
  • Dolly Varden – Often confused with trout, they are in fact a Char. They are darkly coloured fish with brightly coloured dots in reds, oranges and yellows (trout have darker spots). A Trophy sized Dolly Varden can weigh over 25 pounds.
  • Ling Cod – These are large predators with an oversized, fearsome-looking head and a mouth full of sharp teeth. While notoriously ugly, larger specimens make for impressive trophies. They’re also a tasty delicacy that is much more flavourful than most other white fish. The average weight for Alaskan ling cod is 40 to 55 pounds, with some exceeding  85 pounds. While offshore ling cod fishing is popular, they are technically a reef fish and are attracted to rocky structures. This means that even large ling cod can be found in relatively shallow waters along the coast. Ling cod are also a great target fish for those who prefer catch-and-release fishing. A lack of a swim bladder means these fish have a much higher than average post-release survival rate since they can be brought up from the depths without suffering decompression injuries.
  • Arctic Grayling – Weighing about five pounds and with a shimmering body length up to 24 inches, Arctic Grayling are strikingly beautiful fish that presents a variety of colours depending on habitat and its food source. They primarily eat insects and that fact makes them outstanding target for fly fishermen. They have a huge sail-like dorsal fin that helps them navigate the streams. Their brilliance is part of what makes it fun to fish for them.
  • Arctic Char – The Char enjoys the colder waters of Arctic and subarctic lakes and rivers. As such their territory is fairly limited to the inland portion of Bristol Bay, and in the arctic circle and polar regions. Char are mostly found in lakes, though some are also caught in rivers. A Char can weigh up to ten pounds, maxing out at about 15 pounds.
Rainbow trout fly fishing lodges

Saltwater vs. Freshwater

Some Alaska fishing lodges offer both freshwater and saltwater fishing while others are strictly one or the other. If your target fish is Rainbow Trout then a lodge near the ocean that specializes in saltwater and freshwater fishing is not your best choice. Likewise, for those who seek to bring back lots of barndoor Halibut, you need a fishing lodge near the ocean—Kenai Peninsula or Southeast Alaska would be a good choice.

Focus on what your fishing goal is, and then narrow down your choices from there. The good news is that the Search page makes it easy to filter the lodges based on what you’re after.

When to Go fishing in alaska

Generally speaking, May through September is the fishing season in Alaska. The average summer temperature ranges from 55-78 degrees Fahrenheit, although there’s always the possibility of rain or severe storms. The best month to head to Alaska for fishing is usually July, only because so many species of fish have runs that peak during July. A lot depends on what fish you are targeting. Most Lodges Details Pages will show which species are available throughout the season (see the Species Availability Calendar in the What We Catch section on the page).

Peak season for salmon fishing occurs from May through September, with the five major species spread across the season. These months also conveniently coincide with the nicest weather the state has to offer. Experienced fishermen like to time their Alaska fishing trips based on their favourite types of salmon. King Salmon fishing begins in May, and you can continue fishing for Silver Salmon all the way through November.  The entire summer offers at least one type of salmon fishing. Arrive from late May to early July to catch king salmon. Sockeye salmon runs are also prevalent from June to late July. From mid-July to mid-August, look for pink and chum salmon. Catch silver salmon, otherwise called coho salmon, later in the season from July to October.

If you simply want to catch as many fish as possible, you should go fishing in August.  The Silver Salmon run in Western Alaska peaks throughout the month of August and consistently provides numbers of fish that aren’t really believable until you experience it first hand.  Rainbow trout are also at their fattest in August.

Spincasting for Dolly Varden

alaska Fishing Limits

Fishing regulations differ depending on which region you’re fishing in the state.

Bristol Bay

King Salmon

  • Season is open May 1–July 31. 
  • For freshwater, a maximum of 3 per day that are 20 inches or longer, and a maximum of 3 in one’s possession at a time, only 1 of which may be 28 inches or longer. For fish less than 20 inches, 10 per day and 10 in possession. If you intend to release a king salmon, you may not remove it from the water before releasing it.
  • For saltwater,  up to 3 per day and a maximum of 3 in one’s possession at a time, only 2 of which may be 28 inches or longer. 
  • For both freshwater and saltwater, the annual limit of fish longer than 20 inches is 5. Of these 5 total king salmon, no more than 4 may be harvested from the Nushagak/Mulchatna river drainage, and no more than 2 may be harvested from the Wood River drainage. 
  • Anglers visiting Bristol Bay need King Salmon stamps on their Personal Identification Card.

Silver, Chum, Pink and Sockeye Salmon

Maximum 5 per day, and 5 in possession.


Season open February 1 to December 31. Maximum 2 fish per day either under 38″ or over 80 inches. You can catch-and-release until you get the desired fish. There is no annual limit.

Lingcod and Rockfish

No limits.

Arctic Char and Dolly Varden

From June 8 to October 31, maximum 3 per day, 3 in possession. From November 1 to June 7, 10 per day, 10 in possession.

Rainbow Trout

From June 8 to October 31, 2 per day, 2 in possession, only 1 of which may be 20 inches or longer. From November 1 to June 7, 5 per day, 5 in possession, only 1 of which may be 20 inches or longer.

Arctic Grayling 

2 per day, 2 in possession.

There are special regulations applicable to the Wood River drainage, Agulowak River, Agulukpak River and Kulik Lake—for more details see the Alaska Department of Fish and Game website.

Kodiak Island

King Salmon

  • Season is open year-round.
  • For freshwater, a maximum of 2 per day that are 20 inches or longer, and a maximum of 3 in one’s possession at a time. For fish less than 20 inches, 10 per day and 10 in possession.
  • For saltwater, up to 2 per day and a maximum of 2 in one’s possession at a time. No annual limit on saltwater-caught king salmon.

Silver, Chum, Pink and Sockeye Salmon

  • Kodiak Island is divided into two zones: the “road zone” near the town of Kodiak and the rest of the Island (“remote zone”).
  • Road zone – freshwater: For fish 20 inches or longer, the limit is 5 per day and 5 in possession (combination of all species), only 2 of which may be sockeye salmon, only 2 of which may be coho salmon caught prior to September 16, and only 1 of which may be a coho salmon caught September 16-December 31. For fish less than 20 inches: 10 per day, 10 in possession.
  • Remote zone – freshwater: For fish 20 inches or longer, the limit is 5 per day and 10 in possession (combination of all species). For fish less than 20 inches: 10 per day, 10 in possession.
  • Road zone – saltwater (within 1 mile of the Road Zone) –  5 per day, 5 in possession, only 2 of which may be sockeye salmon, only 2 of which may be coho salmon prior to Sept 16, and only 1 of which may be a coho salmon from September 16-Dec. 31.
  • Elsewhere – saltwater – 5 per day, 10 in possession.


Season open February 1 to December 31. Maximum 2 fish per day either under 38″ or over 80 inches. You can catch-and-release until you get the desired fish. There is no annual limit.


Season open July 1 – December 31, 2 per day, 4 in possession.


Season is open year-round. 5 per day, 10 in possession; only 2 per day, 4 in possession may be non-pelagic, only 1 per day, 2 in possession may be a Yelloweye.

Dolly Varden and Arctic CHAR

Season is open year-round. 10 per day, 10 in possession.

Rainbow Trout and Steelhead

  • Kodiak Island is divided into two zones: the “road zone” near the town of Kodiak and the rest of the Island (“remote zone”).
  • Remote Zone – 2 per day, 2 in possession, only 1 of which may be 20 inches or longer. For fish 20 inches or longer, annual limit of 2 fish. Harvest record required.
  • Road Zone – No retention. All rainbow/steelhead trout caught must be released immediately (there are exceptions for stocked lakes).

There are no limits on any other species.

Kenai Peninsula

Fishing for all species is open year-round unless otherwise stated.

King Salmon

  • The fresh waters of the Kenai Peninsula are closed to king salmon fishing, except Kenai River, Anchor River, Deep Creek, Kasilof River and Ninilchik River.
  • There are special regulations for the Kenai River—from its mouth upstream to 300 yards below Slikok Creek. From January 1 to June 30, 1 per day, 1 in possession, must be less than 36 inches in length. From July 1 to July 31: 1 per day, 1 in possession, no size limit.
  • For the Kenai river from 300 yards below Slikok Creek upstream to the outlet of Skilak Lake, from January 1 to July 31, 1 per day, 1 in possession, must be less than 36 inches in length.
  • For saltwater fishing, from April 1 to August 31, maximum 1 per day, 1 in possession (of any size) caught north of the latitude of Bluff Point (59° 40’ N), or 2 per day, 2 in possession (of any size) if caught south of the latitude of Bluff Point (59°40’N)
  • For freshwater fishing in those areas open to king salmon fishing, and saltwater areas (Cook Inlet) there is a combined annual limit of 5 king salmon that are 20 inches or longer. 

Silver, Chum, Pink and Sockeye Salmon

  • In stocked lakes, the limit is 10 per day, 10 in possession in combination.
  • In other lakes, ponds and all flowing waters, for fish 16 inches or longer, 3 per day, 3 in possession, only 2 per day, 2 in possession may be silver salmon. If less than 16 inches: 10 per day, 10 in possession in combination.
  • Special regulations for chum and sockeye the Kenai River: for fish 16 inches or longer, 3 per day, 6 in possession in combination; for fish less than 16 inches: 10 per day, 10 in possession in combination.
  • Special regulations for silver salmon in the Kenai River:
    • Fish 16 inches or longer, from July 1–August 31: 2 per day, 2 in possession. The limits for silvers are in combination with sockeye or chum salmon. For example, you may have 1 sockeye or chum and 2 coho per day (or 2 sockeye or chum and 1 silver) – not 3 sockeye or chum and 2 silver per day.
    • Fish 16 inches or longer, from September 1–November 30: 3 per day, 6 in possession in combination (all 3 may be silvers).
    • Fish 16 inches or longer, from November 1–June 30: Fishing for silver salmon is closed upstream of Bings Landing.
    • Fish less than 16 inches, from July 1–November 30: 10 per day, 10 in possession in combination.
    • Fish less than 16 inches, from November 1–June 30: Fishing for silver salmon is closed upstream of Bings Landing.
  • Special regulations for pink salmon in the Kenai River:
    • Fish 16 inches or longer: 6 per day, 6 in possession.
    • Fish less than 16 inches: 10 per day, 10 in possession.


Season open February 1 to December 31. Maximum 2 fish per day either under 38″ or over 80 inches. You can catch-and-release until you get the desired fish. There is no annual limit.


Season open July 1–December 31. Limit 2 per day, 2 in possession, must be at least 35 inches long with head attached or 28 inches from tip of tail to front of dorsal fin with head removed.


Season is open year-round. 5 per day, 10 in possession; only 1 per day, 2 in possession may be non-pelagic.

Dolly Varden and Arctic Char

  • In flowing waters: 2 per day, 2 in possession.
  • In lakes and ponds: 5 per day, 5 in possession
  • Special regulations for Dolly Varden and arctic char in the Kenai River: 1 per day, 1 in possession, must be less than 16 inches long.

Rainbow Trout and Steelhead

  • In flowing waters: 2 per day, 2 in possession; only 1 fish may be 20 inches or longer. In lakes and ponds: 5 per day, 5 in possession; only 1 fish may be 20 inches or longer.
  • For fish 20 inches or longer, there is a total annual limit of 2 rainbow/
    steelhead trout taken north of the latitude of Point Adam or from the waters of West Cook Inlet, Susitna River Drainage, Knik Arm, Anchorage Bowl, Kenai Lake drainages, Kenai River tributaries, and Kenai Peninsula.
  • Special regulations for rainbow trout and steelhead in the Kenai River: 1 per day, 1 in possession, must be less than 16 inches long.

Arctic Grayling

5 per day, 5 in possession.

There are no limits on any other species.


Fishing for all species is open year-round unless otherwise stated.

King Salmon

  • 20 inches or longer—1 per day, 1 in possession.
  • Less than 20 inches—10 per day, 10 in possession.

Silver and Chum Salmon

3 per day, 3 in possession—in combination, no size limit.

Arctic Char and Dolly Varden

10 per day, 10 in possession.

Arctic Grayling

5 per day, 5 in possession, no size limit.

Northern Pike

5 per day, 5 in possession—only 1 of which may be 30 inches or longer.


15 per day, 15 in possession, no size limit.

There are no limits on any other species.

Southeast Alaska

The freshwater fishing season for all species is open year-round (except for king salmon in the fresh waters between Cape Fairweather and the International Boundary at Dixon Entrance). The saltwater fishing season for all species is open year-round, except for halibut, lingcod and rockfish.

King Salmon

  • All king salmon freshwater fishing is closed except the Yakutat area (between Cape Suckling and Cape Fairweather) where the limit is 1 per day, 1 in possession for fish 20 inches or longer and 10 per day, 10 in possession for fish less than 20 inches. Annual limit of 3 fish 28 inches or greater in length.
  • For saltwater fishing:
    • April 5 to June 30 the annual limit is three king salmon 28 inches or greater in length.
    • July 1 to July 31 the annual limit is one king salmon, 28 inches or greater in length, and king salmon harvested from January 1 through June 30 will apply toward the one fish annual limit.
    • August 1 to August 15, nonresidents may not retain any king salmon during this time.
    • August 16 to September 15, the annual limit is one king salmon, 28 inches or greater in length, and king salmon harvested from January 1 through July 31 will apply toward the one fish annual limit.

Silver Salmon

  • For freshwater fishing, fish must be 16 inches or longer, limited to 4 per day and 8 in possession between Cape Suckling and Cape Fairweather, or 6 per day and 12 in possession between Cape Fairweather and Dixon Entrance.
  • For saltwater fishing, 6 per day, 12 in possession if longer than 16 inches, or 10 per day and 10 in possession if less than 16 inches.

Chum, Pink and Sockeye Salmon

For both freshwater and saltwater fishing, for fish 16 inches or longer, limited to 6 of each species per day, 12 of each species in possession. For fish less than 16 inches long, 10 per day, 10 in possession.


Season open February 1 to December 31. Maximum 2 fish per day either under 38″ or over 80 inches. You can catch-and-release until you get the desired fish. There is no annual limit.


Season open May 16 – November 30, 1 per day, 1 in possession; 30–45 inches or 55 inches and longer, annual limit of 2 fish, one of which is 30–45 inches in length, and one that is 55 inches or greater in length.


For pelagic rockfish, 5 per day, 10 in possession, no size limit. For non-pelagic rockfish, no size limit: 1 per day, 1 in possession; annual limit of 1 yelloweye. No non-pelagic rockfish retention in waters beyond the islands.

Dolly Varden, Brook Trout, Arctic Grayling

No size limit. 10 per day, 10 in possession.


36 inches or longer: 1 per day, 2 in possession. 2 fish annual limit.

Rainbow Trout and Cutthroat Trout

11 inch minimum and 22 inch maximum: 2 per day, 2 in possession.

Sportfishing in Alaska, USA 1

alaska Fishing Licenses and King Stamps

All non-residents 16 or older must purchase and possess a sportfishing license. In addition, a king salmon stamp is required to fish for king salmon. These laws apply in both fresh and marine waters. Fishing licenses and king salmon stamps may be purchased online, at most sporting goods stores, and at Fish and Game offices.

Non-residents under 16 years of age do not need to purchase a king salmon stamp in order to fish for king salmon.

Alaska Regions

Bristol Bay Alaska salmon fishing trips

Sportfishing in Bristol Bay, Alaska

Bristol Bay is tucked between the Alaska Peninsula and the most eastern part of the Bering Sea. There are several rivers that flow into the ...
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Fishing for trout on the Kenai river

Sportfishing in the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska

Discover world-class freshwater and saltwater fishing in Alaska amongst majestic mountains, glaciers and an abundance of wildlife on the Kenai Peninsula. This region’s dramatic scenery ...
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Remote fishing lodge in Southeast Alaska

Sportfishing in Southeast Alaska

Southeast Alaska is a long, narrow coastal strip of land stretching nearly 500 miles known for its fjords, mountains, maritime climate, old growth spruce and ...
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Kodiak Island fishing lodges

Sportfishing on Kodiak Island, Alaska

If you’re looking for a remote fishing destination that is out of the ordinary, Kodiak Island is an exceptional choice for your next Alaska fishing ...
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Catching rainbow trout in Alaska

Fishing the Alaskan Interior

If it’s a remote Alaska fishing vacation you’re after, you’ll find yourself far from the crowds and close to nature in Alaska’s interior. This region ...
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FishHound Expeditions
156 reviews

Editor’s notes

In addition to a more traditional lodge experience (but perhaps still incomparable, as it’s deluxe in every way despite being exceptionally remote), Fishhound Expeditions offers something fairly unique: multi-day, fly-in, float expeditions into wild Alaska.

Kodiak Island, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Freshwater (lakes), Freshwater (rivers) | Guided (2:1 guest-to-guide ratio) | Fly fishing

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

  1. Truly wild Alaska river float trips. We supply you with almost everything you will need for an amazing, comfortable fishing trip in to the Alaska Wild.
  2. Our owners are the guides, the guides are the owners.
  3. All of our river locations meet our standards of receiving very limited pressure, clear healthy water, and wild fish whether you choose to fish one day or ten!
  4. Our gear is handmade or purchased specifically to fit in helicopters, which allows us to bring incredible freshly prepared food, great comfortable camp scenes with cots & pads, separate sleeping tents for clients, specific cooking/eating shelters, and lots of room for beer/wine.

PER-DAY packages start at:

Editor’s notes

Only open for a few weeks during the prime time of the bountiful Salmon runs, this fishing camp is all about the fish. Lots of strong, energetic king, chum and sockeye salmon in almost unimaginable numbers.

Bristol Bay, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Freshwater (lakes), Freshwater (rivers) | Guided | Fly fishing

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

PER-DAY packages start at:

Kodiak Big Timber
37 reviews

Editor’s notes

Kodiak Big Timber offers world-class fishing for halibut, lingcod, all five species of salmon, rockfish, and more are available just minutes away. Elk, Sitka Blacktail Deer, Foxes, and the world-famous Kodiak Brown Bears make their home here with us on Raspberry Island. Hunters, fishermen, photographers, and wildlife enthusiasts can quickly immerse themselves in nature. Our on-suite cabins offer breathtaking views plus all the comforts of home! Our staff prides itself on our service and professionalism. We want our clients to feel welcomed as part of the Big Timber Family while they are here. Note: Under new management. Veteran Operated

Kodiak Island, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Saltwater, Freshwater (rivers) | Guided + Unguided (4-1 guest-to-guide ratio) | Fly fishing (World-class fly fishing is available during your stay)

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

  1. Amazing Wildlife: Bald Eagles, sea otters, whales, and puffins are directly out front from the front porch. Roosevelt Elk, Foxes, Sitka Blacktail Deer, and Kodiak Brown Bears make their home here with us on Raspberry Island.
  2. No Combat Fishing: Our location means no crowds and very little competition for fishing. We are within minutes of the most productive fishing grounds in the world.
  3. Professional Staff: Kodiak Big Timber is Navy SEAL veteran operated, with 23 years of wilderness leadership experience. Our clients can rest assured that they are in good hands when they adventure with us. Safety and professionalism are our highest priorities.
  4. Highly Customizable: Kodiak Big Timber has options for adventures other than fishing. Big Game Transports, Hiking, Kayaking, Photography, Whale Watching, and Wilderness Leadership courses are just a few options available during your stay with us.
  5. New 15-Passenger Van: We will pick you up from the Airport or a local hotel and bring you to the boat!

PER-DAY packages start at:

Editor’s notes

Situated on one of the most iconic sections of the Alagnak river known as the “Upper Braids”, Alaska Trophy Adventures Lodge is another really remote lodge that provides a whole lot of luxury, and great prices translating into considerable value. The property consists of 160 acres of prime river frontage, so it’s guaranteed to be uncrowded. They are only accessible via bush plane, and have their own landing strip.

Bristol Bay, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Freshwater (lakes), Freshwater (rivers) | Guided + Unguided (2:1 guest-to-guide ratio) | Fly fishing

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

  1. Fantastic access to one of the best salmon and rainbow trout fishing rivers in the world.
  2. Luxury surrounded by complete, vast, raw Alaska wilderness.
  3. Close proximity to Katmai National Park – World’s largest protected brown / grizzly bear population.

PER-DAY packages start at:

Editor’s notes

Jake’s Nushagak Salmon Camp is all about the fish. Not only are they right on the world-famous Nushagak river, but their whole operation revolves around catching huge numbers of huge King and Silver salmon. Comfortable tents, hearty meals, and that’s about it…except for very knowledgable guides and and an “it’s YOUR trip” philosophy. With 19 hours of daylight in the summer, you really won’t find any place where you can catch more.

Bristol Bay, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Freshwater (rivers) | Guided + Unguided | Fly fishing

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

PER-DAY packages start at:

Editor’s notes

Operating under rare permits within the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, this Cooper Landing-based freshwater and saltwater fishing operation offers accommodations at any of 4 different local inns, B&Bs and resorts. Owner and lead guide Mike Adams knows his stuff, and their avg. 5-star rating from over 120 past guests back that up. Save an average of USD$112.75 per person when you book through

Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, United States | Drive-in

Saltwater, Freshwater (rivers) | Guided (4:1 guest-to-guide ratio) | Fly fishing

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

  1. We operate under rare permits within the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge.
  2. Year-round local guide owned and operated.
  3. We can customize any package to make it the best fit for you.

PER-DAY packages start at:

Save an average of

per person when you book through

Kiklukh Lodge

Editor’s notes

Southeast Alaska, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Freshwater (rivers) | Guided (4:1 guest-to-guide ratio) | Fly fishing

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

  1. World-Class Fishing Guides

PER-DAY packages start at:

Port Lions Lodge
139 reviews

Editor’s notes

Port Lions Lodge is a premier, full-service Kodiak Island lodge that offers comfortable accommodations, first-class family style dining, and breathtaking views of the stunning natural beauty of Kizhuyak Bay and the Kodiak Mountains.

Kodiak Island, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Saltwater, Freshwater (rivers) | Guided (4:1 guest-to-guide ratio) | Fly fishing

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

  1. Remote

PER-DAY packages start at:

Editor’s notes

The newly-remodeled Lodge at Otter Cove offers first-class lodging experience with a heart of hospitality. Owner Joe Chmeleck has over 35 years in the hospitality business and is a certified trained chef (so the meals are absolutely first-class). All-inclusive packages include the choice of one adventure per day: full-day fishing, hiking, or kayaking (bear watching is also available). Fishing is provided through a local charter operator partner provide experienced captains with 40+ years of local knowledge.

Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, United States | Drive-in

Saltwater | Guided (6:1 guest-to-guide ratio)

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

PER-DAY packages start at:

Salmon Catcher Lodge
313 reviews

Editor’s notes

Lots of flexibility in trip packages Halibut; Kings: Sockeye; Trophy Rainbows no pre built packages your vacation you choose the species!! and accommodations is what sets Salmon Catcher Lodge apart (not to mention a 5-star rating TripAdvisor rating from well over 100 past guests). They must be doing something right! This is a drive-in lodge, with easy access from Anchorage or Kenai.

Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, United States | Drive-in

Saltwater, Freshwater (lakes), Freshwater (rivers) | Unguided | Fly fishing (We have loaner gear and we instruct our guests who have never tried it but wanted to! We fish Sockeyes and Trophy Rainbows up to 20LBS on fly rods.)

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

  1. Handcrafted spruce log cabins.
  2. Entirely customizable packages.
  3. Newly built Executive Spa! Enjoy our deluxe sauna, hot tub, gym, & massage chairs.
  4. 100% Money back Satisfaction policy
  5. Filmed on Larry Csonka’s TV Series
  6. A Sportsman’s Warehouse Platinum Trophy Lodge
  7. Unlimited processing not just fist 50LBS

PER-DAY packages start at:

Cascade Creek Lodge
262 reviews

Editor’s notes

Bright and spacious oceanfront guest rooms featuring private balconies overlooking the famous Mt. Edgecumbe volcano. Fantastic meals, a cozy bar and sauna round out the five-star accommodations. High-end, 30-foot walkaround boats and top quality gear. Friendly, experienced guides round out the offering. Add to that super-easy access from Sitka. This is not a remote fishing vacation, but if you don’t mind a more “urban” feel to your trip, there is excellent value here.

Southeast Alaska, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Saltwater | Guided (4:1 guest-to-guide ratio)

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

  1. Family Owned & Operated
  2. Oceanside Accommodations
  3. Sitka Based Guides & Deckhands

PER-DAY packages start at:

Northwoods Lodge
83 reviews

Editor’s notes

Very comfortable, private cabins surrounding a lodge built by the owners. One owner is a professional chef, and the high-end meals reflect this. Very highly rated, and an outstanding location for salmon, grayling and trout fishing make this an exceptional, all-inclusive value.

Alaskan Interior, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Freshwater (rivers) | Guided (3:1 guest-to-guide ratio) | Fly fishing

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

PER-DAY packages start at:

Editor’s notes

Glacier Bay Eagles Nest Lodge is one of the best lodges on the site to go if you are serious about catching massive halibut. It’s just outside Gustavus, Alaska, which is known for having the world’s best halibut fishing. Giant halibut over 400 pounds have been caught, and halibut from 100-300 pounds are caught on a regular basis. Their boats average a 100lbs.+ fish per boat per day. If you want to catch all five species of salmon and/or gigantic halibut, this is the place for you.

Southeast Alaska, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Saltwater | Guided (4:1 guest-to-guide ratio)

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

  1. Flat, calm, protected waters
  2. Salmon and halibut off the same boat
  3. No rental car required

PER-DAY packages start at:

Editor’s notes

These multi-day wilderness float fishing trips are for the hard-core anglers (of all experience levels) who demand world-class freshwater fly fishing with extraordinary attention to detail and some of the finest guides in the business. Fish on remote rivers (Arolik, Kanektok, Goodnews, Togiak, Alagnak, Moraine and more) at the peak of the salmon runs or during times when availability is highest for native species like the rainbow trout. You’ll also have increased time on the water (after all you couldn’t be any closer to the fishing as you’ll camp right on the river at the best available fishing holes) and cover more water, where jet boats and airplanes simply cannot go.

Bristol Bay, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Freshwater (rivers) | Guided (2:1 guest-to-guide ratio) | Fly fishing

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

  1. We offer the Premier Multi-Day Wilderness Float Fishing Trips on Alaska’s Best waters for Float Fishing!

PER-DAY packages start at:

Editor’s notes

The Kenai Riverside Fishing Lodge is situated right on the banks of the Upper Kenai River. Newly renovated, it offers 8 cabins with rustic Alaskan pioneer charm, but modern comforts (heat, electricity, private baths). They specialize in offering very flexible activities—from hardcore, day-long salmon and halibut fishing to other recreational activities like hiking, sightseeing and rafting, or any combination. They also include return transportation from Anchorage in their prices, making the value of their fishing packages quite good.

Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Saltwater, Freshwater (rivers) | Guided | Fly fishing

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

  1. Our itineraries are flexible to accommodate the needs and interests of your group or family. From groups that are 100% focused on fishing to those who want to mix in other activities such as hiking, sightseeing, or rafting, we can create an itinerary to match the interests of everyone in your party.

PER-DAY packages start at:

Fireweed Lodge
272 reviews

Editor’s notes

Luxurious accommodations, brand new 24ft boats and a 5-star (avg!) rating from dozens of past guests…Fireweed Lodge is a hidden gem located on the west coast of Prince of Wales Island. It’s so easy to recommend because we can’t be more certain that you’ll find it a fantastic value and that you’ll absolutely enjoy your fishing vacation here.

Southeast Alaska, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Saltwater, Freshwater (rivers) | Guided (4:1 guest-to-guide ratio) | No fly fishing

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

PER-DAY packages start at:

Waterfall Resort
397 reviews

Editor’s notes

Waterfall Resort is a large (52-acre), luxury all-inclusive resort on Prince of Wales Island on the edge of the Tongass National Forest. Fantastic fishing here, superb food, upscale accommodations; overall and a really nice place and fantastic value.

Southeast Alaska, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Saltwater | Guided (1:1 guest-to-guide ratio)

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

  1. Celebrating more than a century of tradition, Waterfall Resort spans 52 acres on Prince of Wales Island near Alaska’s famed Inside Passage.
  2. Happily, we’re just a short floatplane flight from Ketchikan in Southeast Alaska, 90 minutes from Seattle, Washington. At Waterfall Resort, you can fly in in the morning and be on the water fishing with us in the afternoon.
  3. While we’ve hosted our share of pro athletes and celebrities over the years, our core clientele includes both newbie and longtime anglers, corporate and nonprofit groups, and vacationing families, who return to the resort year after year.

PER-DAY packages start at:

Elfin Cove Resort
201 reviews

Editor’s notes

Elfin Cove Resort is perfect for a larger group, with a recently renovated lodge nestled in be beautifully lush surroundings. The boats are big (30′ to 36′) and comfortable, with no more than 4 guests per boat, giving you lots of space. Captain Mike is also very experienced, and his team all provide exceptional service.

Southeast Alaska, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Saltwater | Guided (4:1 guest-to-guide ratio)

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

  1. We have been in the business for 27 years providing great service and fishing excursions.

PER-DAY packages start at:

Green Rocks Lodge
118 reviews

Editor’s notes

Green Rocks Lodge is one of few options for unguided fishing in Southeast Alaska. They’re in a terminal fishery, which means their bag limit is 2 King salmon over 28 inches and 2 halibut (no size restriction) per day. They fish in protected, shallow waters (40-90 ft.) and their prices are quite reasonable. Overall, if your primary goal is to take home a lot of fish and don’t require a guide, there’s great value here.

Southeast Alaska, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Saltwater, Freshwater (rivers) | Unguided | Fly fishing

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

  1. Great Price. We have an extremely reasonable price for what we offer. Please compare us to other lodges that offer the same service as we do.
  2. Our bag limit is 2 Kings over 28 inches. Example: Kenai River area fishing has a bag limit of 1 King Salmon. The reason is we are in a terminal fishery.
  3. Accommodations. We only accommodate a maximum of 20 guests per week.
  4. Protected, shallow waters (40-90 ft.)
  5. Fishing within 2 minutes – 40 minutes from the lodge
  6. 2 Halibut per day no size restriction.

PER-DAY packages start at:

Editor’s notes

Completely off the grid and rustic, Driftwood Wilderness Lodge offers an incredibly remote, yet all-inclusive experience without having to travel that far (Kodiak Island is relatively easy to get to). There’s a fantastic saltwater fishery, with catch limits greater than elsewhere in Alaska. Owner Nick Blanco built the lodge by hand himself, and his enthusiasm for the healing power of the wilderness is apparent, as is his knowledge of where to find abundant fish to fill your freezer. Extremely reasonably priced, and a fantastic value for what you get. Save an average of USD$99 per person when you book through

Kodiak Island, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Saltwater, Freshwater (lakes), Freshwater (rivers) | Guided (6:1 guest-to-guide ratio) | Fly fishing

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

  1. Driftwood Wilderness Lodge is off the grid and is built on the premise that all of us can benefit from the healing power of the wilderness.
  2. We will not lie, DWL is rustic and totally off the grid, but that is why it’s so special. The air and water are pure, and the scenery is amazing.
  3. If this sounds good to you, you’ve come to the right place for a great hunting and/or fishing experience at a reasonable price.

PER-DAY packages start at:

Save an average of

per person when you book through

Editor’s notes

Alaska’s Anvik River Lodge claims to be “Alaska’s most remote lodge”, and while we can’t be certain of that, it is pretty darn remote, and the only fishing lodge on all 120 miles of Anvik River. It will be just you, the other guests and lots of wildlife (grizzlies, moose, wolves, otters, beavers, eagles, osprey, and of course a whole lot of fish!) It feels like your own private fishing reserve! Add to this a very comfortable lodge, and the fact that absolutely everything’s included (even an open bar and the flight from Anchorage) and you have an ideal fishing vacation.

Alaskan Interior, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Freshwater (lakes), Freshwater (rivers) | Guided (2-1 guest-to-guide ratio) | Fly fishing (Also spin fishing)

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

  1. It’s like having your own private fishing reserve at this truly remote yet extremely comfortable lodge. There’s no “combat fishing” here.
  2. Having the distinction of being Alaska’s most remote full-service fishing lodge can likely mean that we’re one of the most remote full-service fishing lodges in world.

PER-DAY packages start at:

Angler’s Alibi
110 reviews

Editor’s notes

Angler’s Alibi is a “high-end” remote fishing camp that doesn’t feel like a typical rustic fishing camp. Tents that feel like a building (carpeted wood floors!), electric perimeter fence and fantastic food prepared by world-class chef. We especially like the low 2:1 guest-to-guide ratio. Their location on the tidewater section of the Alagnak River means great fishing right off the shoreline and the dock. With all this, extremely reasonable prices mean high value, and that’s why we awarded it our Editor’s Choice.

Bristol Bay, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Freshwater (rivers) | Guided + Unguided (2:1 guest-to-guide ratio) | Fly fishing

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

  1. Our location is remote – no roads or crowds…just unbelievable fishing, spectacular scenery, and an abundance of wildlife.​
  2. Angler’s Alibi is located on the tidewater section of the Alagnak River. This location allows for great fishing right off our shoreline, even right off the dock!
  3. The Bristol Bay Watershed is the only designated trophy trout area in the state. Angler’s Alibi guests can target trout on the fly in this world-class watershed—a must for any angler’s bucket list.

PER-DAY packages start at:

Island Point Lodge
107 reviews

Editor’s notes

Island Point Lodge is unique in that they focus on unguided fishing only—this saves you a lot of money if you don’t need (or want to pay for) a guide. Boats are provided for as long as you want, and given the prime location where there’s really no unproductive spot, we’d have to say that as long as you know what you’re doing, this is the place you’re going to haul in the most fish (yet feel totally relaxed a the end of the week since you can take your time and fish when you want).

Southeast Alaska, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Saltwater, Freshwater (rivers) | Unguided | Fly fishing

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

PER-DAY packages start at:

Editor’s notes

In a remote location on The Nushagak River in Bristol Bay, Alaska. The Nushagak River is home to one of the the largest King Salmon runs anywhere in Alaska. River King Outfitters provides mind blowing, uncrowded, world class fishing on traditional tackle & on the fly.

Bristol Bay, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Freshwater (lakes), Freshwater (rivers) | Guided + Unguided | Fly fishing

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

  1. The Nushagak River is home to the LARGEST King Salmon run anywhere in the state of Alaska! With other regions in Alaska battling depleted salmon runs and large crowds why fish anywhere else?
  2. Our remote location on The Nushagak River provides mind blowing, uncrowded, world class fishing on traditional tackle & on the fly.

PER-DAY packages start at:

Editor’s notes

Naukati Bay Adventures is small but perfect for a larger group where you could have the whole place to yourself with a fairly high-end, 4-bedroom, 3 bath private lodge for your group. The service you’ll get is impeccable. The owners put a focus on a level of personalized service that you won’t find elsewhere in the Southeast. Fishing close to the reefs and kelp beds allows fishing shallow and with light tackle, bringing the fish fighting experience to the next level.

Southeast Alaska, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Saltwater | Guided

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

  1. Ride like a king in our custom 30ft Northriver, with air ride seats for all.
  2. Fishing close to the reefs and kelp beds allows us to fish shallow and with light tackle, bringing the fish fighting experience to the next level.

PER-DAY packages start at:

Editor’s notes

Alaska’s Bearclaw Lodge is in Bristol Bay and is a full-service, family-owned lodge in Alaska that offers the finest amenities for your trip. Despite being in the heart of the Alaska bush (with a spectacular backdrop of mountains), you can choose a main cabin or camp experience, and both are quite deluxe. The fishing goes without saying!

Bristol Bay, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Freshwater (lakes), Freshwater (rivers) | Guided (2:1 guest-to-guide ratio) | Fly fishing

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

  1. A remote lakefront location, Bearclaw lodge can only be reached by boat or floatplane.
  2. You have access to all five lakes in the 1.6 million acre Wood-Tikchik State Park, the largest state park in the U.S.
  3. We’re able to offer varied Alaska fishing packages because we have multiple locations for fishing: Lake Aleknagik AND the Nushagak River.

PER-DAY packages start at:

Editor’s notes

Kodiak Wilderness Adventures features probably the most comfortable lodge on Kodiak Island, and all the amazing fishing that Kodiak Island is known for, including some truly gargantuan halibut. But their best feature may in fact be their custom-built 38′ sport fishing boat “Amy Lorese”. Given that you’ll be spending 80%+ of your fishing vacation on Kodiak Island on the water, this is something to definitely consider.

Kodiak Island, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Saltwater, Freshwater (lakes), Freshwater (rivers) | Guided | Fly fishing

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

  1. We are a small lodge catering to only one group of 4-6. We can cater the trip to your requests—fish for all species or only the ones you Want. The lodge is on the first floor—lodge area and deck are yours—we live on the second floor and serve meals there as well.
  2. Our boat is extremely comfortable—40 ft with lots of room for fishing and comfortable interior with head.

PER-DAY packages start at:

Talaheim Lodge
15 reviews

Editor’s notes

This small (8 guests max.) family-run fly-in lodge in the Alaskan interior is distinguished from other Alaska lodges by the remote, untouched river systems they can that fish. They’re the only lodge in Alaska that owns two helicopters for exclusive use by their guests. Located 80 miles west of Anchorage, surrounded by nothing but a valley of mountains, they fish streams rarely seen by other anglers.

Alaskan Interior, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Freshwater (lakes), Freshwater (rivers) | Guided (2:1 guest-to-guide ratio) | Fly fishing

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

  1. We’re the only lodge in Alaska that owns two helicopters for our guest’s exclusive use. Located 80 miles west of Anchorage, surrounded by nothing but a valley of mountains, we fish streams rarely seen by other anglers.
  2. Whether you’re an avid fly fisherman looking to hook one of our famous Rainbow Trout, or a novice angler after an Alaskan King, Sockeye, or Silver salmon, see why Talaheim Fishing Lodge has been the anglers choice for over forty years.
  3. With only six to eight fishermen per week, our guests enjoy personal service from a staff of experts. From fishing guides, helicopters pilots, to chefs, we’ve been blessed that our staff continues to return, year after year, just like our salmon.
  4. Cozy and rustic in style, all of our guest cabins are equipped with electricity, refrigeration, indoor plumbing, wood stove or central heating, while meals feature gourmet cuisine including many Alaskan favorites.
  5. We’ve been a family run business for over forty years, and that family feeling extends to our guests. Over half of our clients return, many of which come several times across decades and bring with them a new generation of fishermen.
  6. With over forty years in business, Talaheim Lodge is known throughout the world as a premiere fly fishing destination, and lodge founder and owner, Mark Miller, an Alaskan pioneer, expert bush pilot, and teller of many incredible stories.

PER-DAY packages start at:

Alaskan Adventures
19 reviews

Editor’s notes

This is pretty much a quintessential fishing lodge, a very remote lodge in the heart of Alaska bush country on the Holitna River. The lodge has hosted fishing trips for such notable figures as George Bush Sr., Chuck Yeager and Dave Dravecky. The Holitna river system is said to contains more species of fishthan almost any other system in Alaska (and Alaskan Adventures holds five world line records for Northern Pike & Sheefish).

Alaskan Interior, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Freshwater (lakes), Freshwater (rivers) | Guided + Unguided | Fly fishing

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

  1. We are about as remote as you can get. The fishing is incredible and many times we go all week on our river system and do not see another boat.
  2. The Holitna river system contains more species of Alaska sports fish and salmon than almost any other system in Alaska.
  3. We have a 2,300-foot runway for our Cessna 206.

PER-DAY packages start at:

Editor’s notes

The cabins at St. Theresa’s Lakeside Resort are known for their rustic but luxurious quality. They are fully furnished, large, comfortable, and clean, and minutes away from all the great salmon, halibut, and trout fishing one could dream of. The resort is located upon 25 acres of the beautiful lake shore, with views of nature that exceed the scenic surroundings of other Soldotna lodging choices.

Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, United States | Drive-in

Saltwater, Freshwater (lakes), Freshwater (rivers) | Guided | Fly fishing

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

PER-DAY packages start at:

Editor’s notes

Kodiak Island, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Saltwater, Freshwater (rivers) | Guided + Unguided (4:1 guest-to-guide ratio) | No fly fishing

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

PER-DAY packages start at:

Wilderness Place Lodge
246 reviews

Editor’s notes

Wilderness Place Lodge prides itself in offering the highest level of customer service and hospitality. Their river is a postcard-perfect, clear-water tributary offering fantastic fishing for all salmon species, rainbow trout and arctic grayling. Their modern cabins provide the utmost comfort, and the meals are top-notch. Overall, excellent value here.

Alaskan Interior, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Freshwater (lakes), Freshwater (rivers) | Guided (2:1 guest-to-guide ratio) | Fly fishing (8 hours)

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

  1. 1:1 customer service (20 staff : 16 guests average)
  2. Flexible daily schedule
  3. One guide per 2-3 guests
  4. Flexible meal options, schedule
  5. Custom fishing vacations; any duration stay
  6. Arrive / depart any day of the week
  7. Discounts for children, military and large groups
  8. Bundled multi-activity Adventure Packages!

PER-DAY packages start at:

Alagnak Lodge
37 reviews

Editor’s notes

At the Alagnak Lodge you will enjoy an adventure that is all about you. This is a wilderness fishing lodge on tidal waters where the genetically pure salmon arrive on the incoming tides. We provide everything you need so you can make wonderful lifelong memories. Our mission is to deliver to you the wonderful experience you seek at a great value. You will have a lot of control over how you spend your days.

Bristol Bay, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Freshwater (rivers) | Guided (2:1 guest-to-guide ratio) | Fly fishing (Included is a pretty well stocked fly-tying area. Your guide will also supply flies.)

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

  1. Fish when you want for up to 10 hours daily from morning through evening.
  2. A true wilderness – the entire Alagnak River watershed is protected as an unspoiled wilderness. Our genetically pure salmon are wild from birth to spawning.
  3. With a capacity of up to 20 clients we are large enough to accommodate extended family and business groups.
  4. The twice daily tides deliver the fresh from the saltwater fish close to our lodge.
  5. The lodge provides the up to date amenities and services you expect while remaining true to its heritage as a fishing camp. It delivers comfort and a top notch experience while maintaining an upscale fishing camp experience.

PER-DAY packages start at:

McDougall Lodge
61 reviews

Editor’s notes

McDougall Lodge is located on a mile long slough, where the Lake Creek waters runs into and meets the glacier waters of the Yentna River in front of the lodge. Thousands of all 5 species of Salmon come into the clean Lake Creek waters directly in front of the lodge to clean their gills. This is one of the best salmon fisheries in Alaska, though there’s also plentiful graylings and rainbow trout. Vacations are all-inclusive with flights from Anchorage included.

Alaskan Interior, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Freshwater (rivers) | Guided (4:1 guest-to-guide ratio) | Fly fishing

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

  1. McDougall Lodge is located on a mile long slough Lake Creek waters runs into and meets the glacier waters of the Yentna River in front of the lodge. Thousands of all 5 species of Salmon come into the clean Lake Creek waters in front of our lodge to clean their gills, and either swim back into the glacier waters a mile up the slough , or swim up Lake Creek to spawn. There are over 8 other clear water tributaries up river they will go to to spawn. So we are one of the best Salmon fisheries in NW Alaska.

PER-DAY packages start at:

Kodiak Island Resort
19 reviews

Editor’s notes

Kodiak Island Resort is a remote, world-class sportfishing lodge on the western side of Kodiak Island, adjacent to world famous Katmai National Park. Small groups (max 8 guests) allow them flexibility to facilitate each guest’s personal needs and requests. Outstanding fishing, magnificent scenery, abundant wildlife and four-star service, plus they pride themselves in treating guests like family. Save an average of USD$174.80 per person when you book through

Kodiak Island, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Saltwater, Freshwater (rivers) | Guided (3:1 guest-to-guide ratio) | Fly fishing

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

  1. More fish: Kodiak Island is world famous for the best fishing waters of Alaska
  2. No rough seas: We are able to fish the numerous bays and can always get out of the wind
  3. No long boat rides: We are always able to fish close to the lodge
  4. Newly constructed lodge: New and elegant guest accommodations
  5. Spacious guest suites: Each guest room has two full sized beds and a private bathroom
  6. Our boat: Comfortable 14-foot wide state of the art catamaran fishing boat
  7. No crowds: Fish in areas often with no one else in sight. No crowds or combat fishing
  8. Our location: Larsen Bay is the hidden gem on the Emerald Island of Kodiak
  9. Bag limits: Liberal Daily Bag limits for halibut, salmon, ling cod and rockfish
  10. Beautiful scenery: Kodiak Island is Alaska’s most diverse and majestic area
  11. Abundant wildlife: Whales, brown bears, puffins, sea lions, sea otters can all be seen in one visit

PER-DAY packages start at:

Save an average of

per person when you book through

Yes Bay Lodge
156 reviews

Editor’s notes

Yes Bay Lodge is the place to take your family. It’s a family-run operation, and the owners are some of the nicest, most caring people you’ll ever meet. The dining is fantastic, the accommodations top-notch, and the fishing is as plentiful as any other location in the Southeast (with very comfortable boats, too!).

Southeast Alaska, Alaska, United States | Fly-in

Saltwater, Freshwater (lakes), Freshwater (rivers) | Guided (2:1 guest-to-guide ratio) | Fly fishing

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

  1. A true “Family” atmosphere at the lodge – Yes Bay is a friendly, family-style lodge, where you are more like guests in a private home rather than a guest in a large, cold hotel. Kids are welcome at Yes Bay and will surely enjoy the Yes Bay experience.
  2. Yes Bay is the only lodge in the SE that fishes 2-4 anglers per private boat with the personal attention that Yes Bay sets the standard for.
  3. Location – Yes Bay is located in one of the most abundant fishing grounds in Alaska. Waters protected by barrier islands offer the protection from rough seas, so the fishing is comfortable in even the worst weather that Alaska can provide. It is a rare day when it is too rough to go fishing!
  4. The Yes Bay Dining Experience must be enjoyed to understand how wonderful it really is.
  5. The View – If you had all of Alaska to choose from, you would have a hard time finding a more ideal location for a fishing lodge.

PER-DAY packages start at:

Kenai River Recon
12 reviews

Editor’s notes

Kenai River Recon offers expertly guided fishing trips on Alaska’s famous Kenai and Kasilof rivers for salmon and rainbow trout fishing. Its easy drive-in access make it a good a good entry point to Alaska fishing before venturing into wilder areas like Bristol Bay or Kodiak. Although meals aren’t included, the accommodations are very comfortable, the gear is new and top-notch, and the 5.0 average rating is no doubt primarily due to guide Sean Smart’s friendliness and experience.

Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, United States | Drive-in

Saltwater, Freshwater (rivers) | Guided (4:1 guest-to-guide ratio) | Fly fishing

All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip Fishing trip includes equipment Fishing trip includes fish processing All-inclusive fishing trip All-inclusive fishing trip

What makes it unique

PER-DAY packages start at:


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